3D In-Depth Floor Graphics™

Why Would You Want To Advertise On The Floor?

Seventy five percent plus of all purchase decisions occur while in-store. This is where brand decisions are being made in today’s competitive marketplace. To influence a consumer’s brand purchase decision or create impulse activity we have developed a unique way to reach the audience most likely to buy – at the point of sale – by placing attractive, attention grabbing and exclusive images that appear to float above or come out of the floor, in-front of the actual product on the shelf. Our statistical studies of this high quality advertising medium prove this to be the leading impact marketing tool available to brands today.

These proven graphic solutions have already enabled international brand managers and regional chains to maximize their in-store point-of-purchase campaigns, dramatically raising product sales from 27% on average to over 300% on impulse products every time. This technology has been patented by the Group’s IP company.

Scroll down to see just a few of the designs we have produced.

Contact us and we can send you examples of deliveries in your product group.

Please click the images to experience the effects.


  1. Hei,

    Hva koster det for 1*1m med en If logo og 2*2 if logo med tekst under
    spør oss om forsikring (med pil til høyre)

  2. Hei,
    Veldig spennende produkt dere leverer!

    Har lagt ut et oppdrag på “mitt anbud” ift logo og fysisk produktmerking. Har dere grafiske designere internt eller samarbeidspartnere dere jobber tett med ift 3D printing?

    Ønsker å få frest ut valg logo med hjelp av 3D printing.

    • Hei Ingvar,
      Vi leverer ikke “fysisk” 3D printing, men benytter optiske linser etc. for 3D effekt.
      Ring meg gjerne på kontoret for å diskutere hva du er ute etter.

      3D MEDIA AS

      Gunnar Heim
      Daglig leder

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